Winner: Pasaporte Abierto International Travel Journalism Award 2021 · Originality

My piece “Turista en casa: (re)descubriendo Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional” was awarded with the Pasaporte Abierto International Award 2021, under the Category: Originality. This article is part of a series that can be summarized as follows:

We often forget the treasures we have just around the corner and as they say: you only love what you know. That is why, from, we are committed to helping you discover and explore in detail the Dominican Republic, starting with its capital and most populated area: Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional. With this series of articles, we intend to present details of the capital of the Dominican Republic so that you can become a real “tourist at home”. Our goal? That without much travel you can reconnect with our patrimony and have a good time, either alone or with your family.

My deepest gratitude to the World Travel Journalism Organization for this recognition! 🤩.

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