Debunking creative myths at Dominicana Innova 2023

Towards the end of April, I took the stage at Dominicana Innova to bust a series of creative myths and present the value of soft skills in a “digital economy”.

Dominicana Innova is an event developed by the Government Office of Information and Communication Technologies (OGTIC) of the Dominican Republic, with the objective of “sensitizing the population on issues related to innovation and technology”. This day, which also sought to contribute to the generation of an inclusive culture, brought together high school students, polytechnics, universities, technological institutes and professionals from both the public and private sectors.

As part of Umami Creadore, I was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to DEMOCRATIZE CREATIVITY to make it a tool that empowers our people. For this, I am grateful for the invitation made by OGTIC and Barna Management School’s Bachelor in Business Administration.

Source: this post was based on an article published by Umami Creadores.

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